Download Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus Retail (32/64 bit) Full Version
Microsoft Office 2013 | Merupakan Office terbaru yang dibuat Oleh Microsoft Corpuration. Office Merupakan program terpenting yang harus ter'install pada PC sobat, Banyak fitur baru yang ditambahkan di Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 ini, Mulai dari Interface baru, bisa digunakan untuk mengedit dokument yang berformat pdf, terintegrasi SkyDrive ini berfungsi untuk menyimpan dokument sobat secara Online, dan Masih banyak lagi deh sobt ..[Readmore ..]System Requirement
- Operating System: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2012
- CPU: 1GHz of faster x86 or x64 processor
- RAM: 1GB for x86 or 2GB for x64
- Storage: 3GB of available space
- Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 9, or 10; Mozilla Firefox 10.x or a later version; Apple Safari 5; or Google Chrome 17.x.
- NET version: 3.5 or higher
- Multi-touch: A touch-enabled device is required to use any multi-touch functionality. However, all features and functionality are always available by using a keyboard, mouse, or other standard or accessible input device. Note that new touch features are optimized for use with Windows 8.
- Hardware acceleration requires DirectX10-compatible graphics card
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- Mount Menggunakan Daemon Tools / Power ISO
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- Setelah selesai, tutup Officenya
- Ekstrak, run As Administrator Microsoft Toolkit.exe Pilih logo Office
- Pilih Tab Product Key - Pilih Microsoft Office 2013.
- Pada Edition - Pilih Professional Plus [Lihat Gambar]
- Kemudian di Tab Activation - klik Ez-Activator
- Selesai
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